Civil Litigation

Fine and Associates investigates a wide range of civil cases, including personal injury, sexual harassment and other workplace claims, and family law cases, as well as contract disputes, environmental, and intellectual property matters.

Pre-Trial Services

We often assist in the earliest stages of a case to help develop a trial strategy and determine how investigative resources can best be deployed. Through discreet yet aggressive, preemptive investigation, we help to contain and neutralize problems that might otherwise result in costly litigation.

Litigation and Settlement

In cases where a lawsuit has been filed, we conduct background investigations, asset searches, and witness interviews.  Our work facilitates counsel’s awareness of all relevant facts, and assists counsel in both spotting weaknesses in its own case, as well as identifying vulnerabilities of opposing counsel’s case, thereby improving prospects for success in settlement negotiation or trial.


After trial, we assist with jury polling, asset identification, and post-trial fact-finding in order to bolster post-trial motions, appeals, and judgment recovery.